
September 2020 Apiary Notes

September 4, 2020 content_editorial 0

Now we are approaching September we need to consider feeding our bees to ensure they have enough stores to last till next spring. Also varroa treatments should be complete by now or well under way. […]


August 2020 Apiary Notes

July 27, 2020 content_editorial 0

In my last apiary notes I mentioned that we need to consider our varroa treatment which should start as soon as honey is removed – ideally by early August. My opinion is that varroa levels […]


July 2020 Apiary Notes

June 28, 2020 content_editorial 0

As we move into July we are nearing the end of the beekeeping season as regards to honey flows. There are still many tasks to come for winter preparation but that is for another day. […]


June 2020 Apiary Notes

June 8, 2020 content_editorial 0

The Met Office described spring 2020 as exceptional. As a result bees appreciated the record sunshine amounts of the past three months; they have built up strongly and filled super after super. Bill Turnbull interviewed […]

Honey Bee Swarm

May 2020 Apiary Notes

May 6, 2020 content_editorial 0

After the record April sunshine some colonies have built up powerfully with some hives with 4 supers, whereas at the other end of the range some are just into their first one. As usual there […]


April Apiary Notes

April 14, 2020 content_editorial 0

Written 2nd April. The active season is almost upon us. There have not been many days recently that were warm enough to look into hives but the forecast is promising, especially for Sunday and a […]


March Apiary Notes 2

March 27, 2020 content_editorial 0

The winter we had has been a very mild one and, as a consequence, many colonies have come through with more bees than usual. Today I checked most of my hives with the intention of […]


Queen rearing

March 8, 2020 content_editorial 0

Queen breeding and rearing are two areas that many members have shown a keen interest in and further to our talk earlier in the year from Kevin Thorn on the native bee reserve at Abberton […]


March Apiary Notes

March 8, 2020 content_editorial 0

At the time of writing it is still raining and no sign yet of any prolonged dry spell. Talking with a farmer yesterday there is limited time now for fields to dry out to enable […]

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