December Apiary notes
Colonies are all ready for winter now with mouse guards, woodpecker netting and bricks on roofs. For my own peace of mind I like to visit apiaries occasionally during the winter to make sure nothing […]
Colonies are all ready for winter now with mouse guards, woodpecker netting and bricks on roofs. For my own peace of mind I like to visit apiaries occasionally during the winter to make sure nothing […]
Now we are into October the weather has turned more autumnal although the bees are working the ivy during sunny spells. In fact some hives are working as if there is summer flow so they […]
Our bees are now preparing for winter and it is time for us to make sure colonies are in a good condition to survive the winter. My hives were all treated for varroa during August […]
It’s that time of year again when we can expect to see honey bee swarms. Hives are beginning to get stronger and may soon decide to swarm. We have already seen some swarming and the recent […]
The bees in my garden have completely ignored the large patch of Snowdrops planted especially for them. However, they have adored the pots used for growing tomatoes last year, with leftover but “spent” organic compost. […]
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