February 14, 2025

These notes are general guidance for showing at Bedfordshire Beekeepers Honey Show. The Rules document within each year’s event documentation gives very specific instructions on the various classes; these notes should aid your general preparation.

Please note classes stated as OPEN can be entered by anyone. You must be a member of Beds BKA to enter any other classes.

The Judge will have a case full of useful tools to thoroughly examine the entries in each class. The most important are:

LED Torch – to shine through honey, wax and mead to show up impurities.

Tasting sticks – glass or plastic. They are never put directly in the mouth the honey is transferred to a finger or back of the hand.  Glass rods are ideal to test viscosity in honey.

Calibrated Scales to weigh blocks of wax and cut comb.

Calibrated Refractomer to measure water content in any particularly watery looking honey

Measuring tape for Honey Cake tin size check, and any classes that have a maximum display space limitation

(Credit Sue Lang)

Most classes are judged on a comparison basis. Provided the item meets a basic standard, the final number of items are compared against each other and prizes awarded accordingly. It is possible for the same item to win 1st prize at one show, yet be awarded nothing at another.

A lot of classes, particularly if there are a large number of entries, are judged and scores noted on a scoring sheet. This can provide excellent feedback for the entries. Most Candles, Mead and Cakes are now judged using this method.

There are lots of books available with great advice on showing honey, wax etc. One of the best is by one of the senior BBKA Judges  – John Goodwin.  “Honey Show Classes”. Published by Northern Bee Books, ISBN 978-1-914934-17-9. It should be available from all good book shops/websites.

At most shows it is difficult for the judge to leave feedback on every item, but they will try and leave a note if an entry is particularly good, or if there is an obvious fault. Most judges will give verbal feedback after judging has finished if approached about a particular entry.

Preparing Honey for Showing

Preparing Wax for Showing

Other Classes

Collections or composite classes


Mead and other drinks


Novice Classes

Children’s Classes

Honey Jar Label Designs