February 9, 2025

Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults


Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association (Beds BKA), registered charity 1184466, wants to encourage children and vulnerable people to understand and enjoy involvement with honeybees.

To support this approach, trustees of the Association commit to safeguarding and child protection through this policy, noting that the primary responsibility for a child’s supervision and safety must lie with a parent or guardian, or designated responsible adult.

The policy is intended to inform members of measures to protect children and vulnerable adults from all types of abuse, whether perpetrated face-to-face or online.

All members of the Association must certainly comply with the law.   All members must adhere to the policy at all times, and, in particular, when

  • in all Association-run events
  • operating as independent individuals in beekeeping.

Definitions within the context of this policy of the terms:

  • Child/Children:anyone who has not yet reached their 18th
  • Vulnerable adults:people aged 18 or over who have:
    • a learning or physical disability,
    • a physical or mental illness, or
    • reduced physical or mental capacity, of various kinds, that might affect anyone, either long term or transitory

Remember, not all disabilities are visible.

  • Abuse: examples of abuse include physical, sexual, emotional and psychological, financial; also bullying, discrimination, and harassment related to gender, age, disability, racism, or other factors.

Aims of the Policy

  1. To protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse.
  2. To define actions, responsibilities, and procedures for members.
  3. To respond swiftly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse
  4. To ensure that information is passed confidentially and as rapidly as possible to the Beds BKA Safeguarding Officer or appropriate external agencies.

Responsibilities and Procedures

  • Report any allegation of abuse, or reasonable suspicion of abuse, or abusive behaviour observed, whether by an adult or another child, to one of the following:
    • the Beds BKA Safeguarding Officer, David Goodridge
    • the Local Authority Safeguarding Team
    • the police

See contact details below.

  • Treat everyone with respect, ensuring your behaviour, language, gestures, etc. are appropriate and above reproach.
  • Never abuse any child or vulnerable adult, verbally, physically or by any other means.
  • Avoid being alone with a child (apart from your own child) or vulnerable adult.
  • Avoid physical contact with the child (apart from your own child) or vulnerable adult, except when necessary to ensure physical safety.
  • Do not take photographs of a child or children or vulnerable adult or film them except with the express consent of a parent or guardian, or the vulnerable adult her/himself.
  • Do not divulge information about children and vulnerable adults, including names and addresses, other than to the appropriate authority.

Dealing with allegations of abuse

What you must do in all cases, if a child or vulnerable adult discloses information to you;

  • Do not promise confidentiality. You have a duty to share this information and refer to Children’s or Adult Social Care Services, or the police.
  • Listen to what is being said, without displaying shock or disbelief.
  • Accept what is said.
  • Reassure the child or vulnerable adult, but only as far as is honest. Don’t make promises you may not be able to keep, e.g. ‘Everything will be alright now’, ‘You’ll never have to see that person again’.
  • Do not interrogate the child or vulnerable adult; it is not your responsibility to investigate.
  • Do not ask leading questions; instead ask open questions such as ‘Anything else to tell me?’
  • Do not ask the child or vulnerable adult to repeat the information for another member.
  • Explain what you must do next and who you have to talk to.
  • Take notes if possible or write up your conversation as soon as possible afterwards.
  • Record the date, time, place any non-verbal behaviour and the words used by the child or vulnerable adult (do not paraphrase).
  • Record statements and observable things rather than interpretations or assumptions.

If someone is at immediate risk of harm, dial 999 or 112.

To report an allegation or concern, or to seek advice:

Bedford Borough About Adults 01234 276222 About Children 01234 718700
Central Beds About Adults 0300300 8122 About Children 0300 300 8585
Luton About Adults 01582 547727 About Children 01582 547653
Out of hours for all areas 0300 300 8123
NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000
Safeguarding Officer: David Goodridge Tel: 07768 222967 Email: djg6160@hotmail.co.uk

Further definitions of responsibilities and procedures:

  1. For children who are Student Members of the Association, the primary responsibility for a child’s supervision and safety lies with a parent or guardian, including when the child attends any of the Association’s organised events or activities. A parent or guardian may assign these duties of supervision and ensuring safety to a designated responsible adult who is a member of the Association, but this must be done in writing, using the appropriate form, obtainable from the Membership Secretary.  See Association Rule 2 on Student Membership.
  2. A designated responsible adult, for example a parent, teacher, carer or other group leader, should normally accompany visiting children or vulnerable adults who are not members. Primary responsibility for them lies with that person.  Make sure that these designated responsible adults understand their responsibilities.
  3. The Safeguarding Officer’s role is to:
    • Receive any allegations of abuse
    • Pass those allegations rapidly to the Local Authority Safeguarding Team, or in an emergency to the police
    • Maintain confidentiality
    • Give advice as appropriate.

Use of Information

Information about children, including names and addresses, must be treated in strictest confidence.

All information must be kept securely within the Association’s information management system, used only for the purpose required, and retained only as long as necessary, and in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

Names of Student Members, but no further details, will be published in the Association Yearbook only if the consent of parents or guardians has been given.  Any information that can allow children to be identified must not accompany photographs of them in promotion or display materials, or in the Association Yearbook.

Suitability for working with children or vulnerable adults

A detailed plan for any Association activity involving children or vulnerable adults should be agreed with the Beds BKA Safeguarding Officer, with appropriate safeguards stated.  Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and clearance will be required for those involved, if appropriate.

Social Media

Student members (those under 18 years old) are not allowed to join or participate in any social media platform connected to or run by the Association.

Monitoring and review

The trustees of the Association will monitor the implementation and effectiveness of this policy annually at its meeting prior to the AGM, and take action as necessary. Further information on safeguarding for charities is available at the Charity Commission’s website and YouTube channel.

Last review: January 2023.

Policy in operation from September 2016