An introduction to bee dissection and making pollen slides
From 10.00 am until 4.00 pm
At Steppingley Village Hall
Rectory Rd, Steppingley, Bedford MK45 5AT
Sean Stephenson (chair of Bucks County BKA and a Master Beekeeper) will run an 1-day introductory microscopy course for us at Steppingly village hall on Sunday 30th March. The course will include introduction to bee dissection and making pollen slides. Microscopes and all other equipment required will be provided. If you have your own microscope, you are welcome to bring it along. You will need to bring your own lunch. Course fee is £20.
10am start till 4pm (2 x 2.5 hour sessions).
There are a maximum of 16 places.
You can book a place here: https://webcollect.org.uk/bedsbka/event/introductory-microscopy
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