February 9, 2025

A macro or close-up of a honeybee or a named species of a UK native bee.

 Entrant ID:  1036889  Entrant Name:  Steven Gale
 Description: A close-up photograph of a honey bee collecting nectar/pollen from a dahlia in a garden at Anglesey Abbey.
Entry: 1036889-1
 Result: rosette-gold


Entrant ID:  1042567 Entrant Name:  Gill Brewer
Description: Honeybee Apis mellifera collecting pollen from Winter aconite Eranthis sp. and packing it on her back legs to carry it back to the hive.
This photograph was taken on a cold February day. Early in springtime the honeybee colony population is building up. A supply of fresh pollen is important for feeding young brood. In cool weather bees can only forage over short distances without getting chilled. These aconites were planted on a sunny bank about 50 meters from the apiary. Planting bee-friendly plants; having something in flower each month of the year, is of great benefit to honeybees and other pollinating insects.
Result: rosette-red


Entrant ID:  1045105 Entrant Name:  Beverley Underwood

I captured this photograph when I went to top of the syrup, I found that there was a little syrup left in the feeder, this honey bee had managed to push herself through a small hole to enable her to reach the remaining syrup.

Entry: 1045105-1
Result: rosette-blue