February 9, 2025

A Limerick about bees or beekeeping.

Entrant ID:  1039854 Entrant Name:  Fiona Cook
Entry: There was an old queen bee from Swanbourne,
Whose colony decided to swarm,
They found a new home,
And filled it with comb,
So were lucky the weather stayed warm!
Result:  –


Entrant ID:  1039247 Entrant Name:  Martin Bullock
Entry: There once was a man from Tyne Tees,
Who decided to start keeping bees.
He thought he’d be cute,
And not wear a suit.
But he got stung everywhere bar his knees.
Result: rosette-red


Entrant ID:  1044039 Entrant Name:  John MacDougall
Entry:  The Sting
“I’ve never been stung by a bee”
Said the ‘keeper in his apiary.
But a hole in his veil,
And an angry female,
Left his nose as red as a cherry.
Result:  –


Entrant ID:  1043969 Entrant Name:  Sue Lang
Entry: There once was a girl called Bea,
Who had a hobby of keeping a bee,
Bee said ‘I’m a bit sad,
More friends would make me glad’,
So a swarm was introduced by Bea
Result: rosette-gold


Entrant ID:  1042567 Entrant Name:  Gill Brewer
Entry:  1042567-13
Result: rosette-blue


Entrant ID:  1039198 Entrant Name:
Entry:  1039198-13