February 14, 2025

Saturday 8th October 2016

Jordan’s Mill Langford Road Broom SG18 9JY

Judge: Mr. Jim Orton / Chris Evans

Junior members free for all classes

Entry fee: 30p per entry per class (can be paid on day of show. Class 14 free).

Prizes: Best in show £20.00 and free entries to following year if Blue Ribbon awarded.

Open Classes:

1. Two 454g (1lb) jars of light or medium clear honey.

2. One 454g (1lb) jar of any type of honey that will be judged on aroma & flavour alone. The honey can be unfiltered. The jars will be wrapped in aluminium foil provided by the Show Stewards.

3. Honey Cake. See recipe.

4. Honey Fudge. See recipe.

Beds BKA Classes:

5. Two 454g (1lb) jars of light clear honey.

6. Two 454g (1lb) jars of medium clear honey.

7. Two 454g (1lb) jars of dark clear honey.

8. Two 454g (1lb) jars of creamed/ soft set honey or naturally crystallised honey.

9. One 454g (1lb) jar of honey marmalade, recipe to be displayed on card

10. One shallow frame of honey suitable for extraction.

11. Five matching bees wax blocks between 27g (1oz) and 40g (11\2oz)

12. Three matching beeswax candles, displayed erect (one may be lit, at the discretion of the judge).

13. One piece of cut comb between 6 oz (170 g) and 8 oz (227 g) in weight.

14. Gift class: One 454g (1lb) jar of honey to be retained for distribution to a charitable organisation. Label must be supplied for traceability. Label and tamper proof will be put on by show secretary after judging

15. Novice* class: Two 454g (1lb) jars of clear or creamed/crystallised honey.

16. One bottle of dry/sweet mead or bottle of wine based on honey, with or without other ingredients

17. Six biscuits (made using honey) recipe to be displayed

18. Craft Display Class: Three different items which utilise bee products and show the skill of the exhibitor. Each to be displayed with a brief description.

19. Craft Class: A practical item made or invented by the exhibitor directly related to bees, beekeeping, or bee products.

20. Photographic Class: 5″x 7″ print (film or straight digital) of bees or beekeeping.

21. One photomicrograph or macro print 6″x 4″ in colour or black and white subject honey bee anatomy or pollen grains (brief description on card, less than twenty words)

22. One photomicrograph or macro print 6″x 4″ in colour or black and white subject honey bee pests and diseases (brief description on card, less than twenty words)

23. One Microscope slide 3″x 1″ subject bee anatomy or pollen grains (brief description on slide label)

24. One Microscope slide 3″x 1″ subject honey bee pests and diseases excluding foulbroods (brief description on slide label)

Junior Classes

(Open to Junior Beds BKA members – age to be stated)

25. Three Cupcakes to be decorated with a bee themed design

26. One 454g (1lb) Jar of honey – entrant to have helped with the bees, extraction and bottling.

27. A craft item with a bee theme.

* A novice is a member of the Association who has not won a 1st prize at any honey show run under National Honey Show rules.


1. Honey – label (supplied) to be placed ½ inch from base of jar.

2. Frame – one label to be in the right top corner of the transparent face of the bee proof case and the other to be on the right of the top horizontal bar of the frame.

3. Cut comb – one label in bottom right hand corner of the lid the other central on facing long side of the container.

4. Wax – one label on the right top corner of the transparent face of the case or on plastic bag the other on the underside of a wax block.

5. Candles should have label placed in front of exhibit on card provided, and one on a candle.

6. Mead – label immediately below shoulder of bottle.

7. Honey Wine – as for mead plus description of wine half way up bottle.

8. Honey Cake – label on paper plate and plastic bag.

9. Biscuits – label on paper plate and plastic bag.

10. Cup Cakes – label on paper plate and plastic bag.

11. Honey Fudge – label on paper plate and plastic bag.

12. Photographic print – on reverse of photo or plastic display wallet

13. Photomicrograph or macro print – on reverse of photo or plastic display wallet

14. Microscope slide should have label placed in front of exhibit on card provided



1.    Honey cake (please note this is not National honey show recipe)


225/8oz unsalted butter

250g/9oz clear honey plus about 2tbsp extra for glazing cake.

100g/4oz dark brown sugar

3 large eggs, beaten

300g/10oz self raising flour


Preheat the oven to 160C/Gas 3/Fan 140C/325F.

1. Butter and line a 20cm/8″round cake tin. Paper Cake liners may be used. Cut the butter and drop into a medium pan with the honey and sugar. Melt slowly over a low heat. When liquid, increase the heat under the pan and boil for about one minute. Leave to cool.

2. Beat the eggs into the cooled honey mixture using a wooden spoon. Sift the flour into a large bowl and pour in the egg and honey mixture, beating until you have a smooth batter.

3. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 50 mins-1 hour until the cake is well risen, golden brown and springs back when pressed. You can also check it is cooked by inserting a wooden or metal skewer and it should come out clean.

4. Turn the cake out onto a wire rack. Warm the 2 tablespoons of honey and brush over the top of the cake to glaze; then leave to cool.

Cake to be exhibited in an unsealed, transparent, plastic bag.

2.    Honey Fudge

Ingredients: 1lb granulated sugar, 1/4 pint fresh milk, 2oz butter, up to 3oz honey.

Method: Put all the ingredients into a heavy-based pan. Bring to the boil, stirring all the time. Cover and boil for 2 minutes. Uncover and boil gently for about 15 minutes until ‘soft ball’ stage is reached, at 115°C (240°F), still stirring all the time (A little dropped into cold water will form a ‘soft ball’). Stand the pan on a cold surface for 5 minutes. Beat the mixture until it starts to thicken, then pour it quickly into a ready buttered tin. Mark out into squares as it cools and cut when cold. Eight pieces to be shown on a plate.


12oz Granulated Sugar

2oz Butter

½pt Milk

4oz Honey


Dissolve the sugar in the milk in a large saucepan.   Bring to the boil, add the butter and bring to 230°F stirring all the time.   Remove from the heat, add honey and stir until completely dissolved.   Bring to 238°F (soft ball) whilst stirring.   Remove from heat, beat until creamy, turn into ready‑buttered tray.   Press down with spatula and when cool mark out into squares.

8 pieces to be shown on a plate in an unsealed plastic bag.