January 25, 2025

The Lew Ellison Shield – awarded to the best exhibit in class 20, Honey Cake.

Dawn Talats

The Don Waterhouse Trophy – awarded to the best exhibit in Class 6, Creamed or Soft set honey.

John Macdougall

The David Cook Trophy – awarded to the best exhibit in class 13, a shallow frame suitable for extraction.

Phill Howes

The Richard Sherwood Shield – awarded to the best exhibit in class 14, three matching beeswax blocks.

Janet Dashwood

The Jennings Craft Trophy – awarded to the best exhibit in class 28.

Wendy Barrett

The Ian Beaty Trophy – awarded to the best exhibit in class 27, for Three Craft Items.

Beverley Underwood

The Alan Sunman Cup – awarded to the best exhibit in classes 30- 33, Photographic Classes.

Phill Howes

The Bill Inskip Trophy – is not awarded to any specific class. The Honey Show Secretary has decided that this year it will be

awarded to the winner of Class 12 ‘One piece of Cut Comb’.

Colin Hall

The Linslade Cup – awarded to a novice member of the Association gaining the most points in classes 1 – 34 inclusive.

A Novice is anyone who has never one 1st place in any Honey show

 Janet Dashwood

The Centenary Trophy – awarded to the best exhibit in Class 25, Interesting or Instructive Exhibit.

 Carol Miles

The Federation Cup – is awarded to the best exhibit in Class 11: 6 x 454g (1lb) matching jars of honey.

Sue Lang

The Jennings Junior Trophy – awarded to the Junior/Student member of the Association gaining most points

(all classes included).

Archie Hope

The Jennings Senior Trophy – awarded to the Beds BKA member gaining most points in classes 1-34 inclusive.

 Colin Hall

The Wilf Ruff Shield – awarded to the District accumulating the most points in classes 1-37 inclusive.

 Leighton Buzzard

The National Honey Show Blue Ribbon and the Bedfordshire Cup – awarded for the best exhibit in the Show.

 John Macdougall – Class 6 Soft Set Honey

Engraving of Trophies

At the end of the Show, the Honey Show Secretary retains the Trophies so that they can be engraved. The Trophies are returned to association member winners as soon as possible after they have been engraved.

Non-members of Bedfordshire Beekeepers Association that win Trophies (open classes) have their names engraved on them but are not be able keep them at home (they are retained by the show secretary).

Awards – Rosettes and Certificates

First                                         Red Certificate and Rosette

Second                                    Blue Certificate and Rosette

Third                                       Yellow Certificate and Rosette

Very Highly Commended        Green Certificate

Inter-County Federation Cup

The Federation Cup is not being held in 2024.