January 24, 2025

The contact details given here are for Beds BKA members personal online use only. Please respect them and do not copy or distribute. You can view a map of AHT member locations below. Postcodes shown are those used for locations on the map and may differ slightly from the person’s real one.

To request information or to report a possible sighting, contact a member of the team near to you.

*  Phill Howes is County Coordinator


Name Coordinator Leader Verifier Email Phone Postcode
Phill Howes * x phill.howes@icloud.com 07704 755459 MK45 2DE
Karen Glasse x karen@glassefamily.co.uk 07798 705233 MK19 7AN
John Macdougall x john_macdougall@btinternet.com 07753 812083 SG4 9HX
Matt Alabaster x matthew.alabaster@ntlworld.com 07506 459404
Lloyd Andrews x Lloydandrews01@gmail.com 07779 768709
Asadullah Anfishi x anfishiasad@gmail.com 07746 452379
Phil Archer x archerphil@hotmail.com 07986 093949 MK45 5EZ
Neil Blakemore x neil_blakemore@btinternet.com 07920 144911 MK43 7NU
Mark Bolan x markbolan@gmail.com 07713 215120 LU5 5DA
Gill Brewer x the_brewers@btinternet.com 01525 718550 MK45 1LH
Graham Canfield x gkcan55@gmail.com 07753 600182 MK40 2BQ
James Chew x jchew1@gmail.com 07966 628587
Richard Dowsett x richarddowsett55@btinternet.com 07871 369178
Stephen Edwards x tsedwards@btinternet.com 07896 656583 LU7 1NP
Helen Elves x helen.elves@btinternet.com 07514 943901
Stella Farr x stellafarr82@gmail.com 07821 558437 LU2 8LH
Colin Hall x hall.colin@gmail.com 07904 328755 LU2 7SF
Peter Haynes x peter@flyinghi.net 07836 205016 MK5 8DT
Rob Jellis x jellis.rob@outlook.com 07776 342226 MK43 9JN
Pete Jones x drivewithpete@gmail.com 07377 398361
Stephan Kinsey x belgium01@hotmail.com 07758 390131
David Moffatt x moff3@me.com 07737 726489
Kevin Rowlands x kevin.rowlands@datamicro.co.uk 07973 322749 LU5 4SW
Sharon Stilliard x sharonstilliard@yahoo.com 07485 116657 LU6 2EP
Wally Thrale x w.thrale@ntlworld.com 07722 162423 SG19 1HB
David Tucker x davetucker@aol.com 07966 642417 LU7 0EY
Jennie Tysom x jennifer.tysom@yahoo.co.uk 07791 646428 LU7 2UF
Helen Vaughan x vaughan01@tiscali.co.uk 07577 273152 MK43 7NU
Name Coordinator Leader Verifier Email Phone Postcode

This map contains personal information about AHT members and is provided for Beds BKA members’ personal use only.
Do not share or copy.