AGM with guest speaker Celia Davis
From 09:00 until 16:30
At Flitwick Village Hall
AGM SATURDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2017 at Flitwick Village Hall
Dunstable Road, MK45 1HP
Morning Session
0930 to 1000hrs Tea and coffee
1000hrs AGM
1215 to 1330hrs Lunch (Bring your own or pre-order as below)
Ploughman’s filling of cheddar, stilton, ham or quiche £5 and includes a piece of fruit (apple, banana, or orange)
Lunch orders should be given to Val Hill (Tel: 01462 711937 or before the event, and must be paid for before lunch starts, to avoid confusion.
Contributions for afternoon tea will be very welcome – both savoury and sweet.
Afternoon Session
1330hrs Conor Daly – ‘H!VE HONEY: CREATING GREATER VALUE FOR LOCAL HONEY with a blend of Trust, Transparency and Technology’
1400hrs Celia Davis – ‘DOING THINGS BETTER
1530hrs Raffle results
1535hrs Tea
Bulk Purchase Wax Foundation, Frames & Equipment, Jars and Lids, Honey buckets as per the price list. Please pre-order boxes of jars from the stockists (max 2 boxes per member).
Wax Purchase Scheme Bring your clean rendered wax which will be converted into foundation for sale by the Association. Richard Smith will give you up to £2 per lb depending on condition. We need at least 800lb to pay for the foundation order.
Library All books/DVDs should be returned to Angela Newbury prior to or at the AGM.
Second Hand Stall The Association will sell your second hand items. Please mark your items with name and price and give to Jennie Tysom on the day.
Raffle Any donations of prizes should be brought along on the day. All proceeds to Bees Abroad.
L.E. Services (Thorne’s) Jenny Ellison will be selling beekeeping equipment.
Bees Abroad Caroline Luxford will have a stall showing the activities of this organisation.
Membership / Bee Magazines You can re-join on the day if you haven’t already sent off your subs. Note, any members joining after the AGM will not be able to get the bee publications through the Association.
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