Annual General Meeting

11 Dunstable Road; Flitwick, Bedford; MK45 1HP

AGM and Trading Day

From 10:00 until 16:00

At Flitwick Village Hall

11 Dunstable Road; Flitwick, Bedford; MK45 1HP

The AGM will be held at Flitwick Village Hall on Saturday 25th  February. 

The day will run as follows:

10am                    Trading; Tea and Coffee

11am                     AGM commences

12.30pm               Lunch; Tea and Coffee, Trading

2pm                      Talk by Margaret Murdin “Communication in Honey Bees”

3pm                      Trading; Tea and Coffee

4pm                      Event closes

 During trading there will also be several stalls including:

  1. Bees Abroad with a raffle to support this charity (if you can please bring a prize donation)
  2. Bee 1st (our local beekeeping equipment supplier)
  3. Second hand equipment (members can bring items to sell, labelled with name and price)
  4. Association library
  5. Association notecards
  6. Membership subscription/renewal (only paid up members can vote at the AGM)

Please bring along a packed lunch, otherwise Tesco is close by for you to purchase food. We would also ask you to bring along your own mug or keep-cup if you have one. Teas and coffees will be available at different points throughout the day.

Finally, there will also be centenary birthday cake for you to sing to and of course enjoy. If you can bring a long a cake to share, that would be much appreciated.

There’s no need to book a ticket. 

Any questions please contact

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