Beds BKA stall - talking to the public about bees, honey tasting, honey based cookery, candle rolling, kids activities and more
From 11:00 until 17:00
At Wrest Park (English Heritage)
Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedfordshire MK45 4HR
John Macdougall
Beds BKA members will be manning a stall in the marquee on both days of the Blooming Gardens/Father's Day event at the magnificent Wrest Park. We look forward to meeting members of the public to talk about bees and beekeeping. Beekeepers and non-beekeepers, young and old are welcome to come and chat and browse on the stall. There will be jarred honey, honey based cookery, beeswax food wraps, information on bees and beekeeping, live bees, beeswax candle rolling, activity and colouring-in sheets for children and more. Two of our members are giving talks about bees and gardening. See you there.
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